M8190A / Keysight / 12 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator > 품목별 분류

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M8190A   Keysight  




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dot 품목명   12 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator
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M8190A Keysight 12 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Precision AWG with two DAC settings

• 14-bit resolution up to 8 GSa/s

• 12-bit resolution up to 12 GSa/s

High-speed arbitrary waveform generators

• Variable sample rate from 125 MSa/s to 8 / 12 GSa/s

• Spurious-free-dynamic range (SFDR) up to 90 dBc typical

• Up to 2 GSa arbitrary waveform memory per channel with advanced sequencing

• Analog bandwidth up to 5GHz

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